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It's a Grind Coffee House Fe Springs, CA
RoasterThis company roasts its own coffee.
Subscription availableCheck their website for subscription information.

Our coffee is Micro-Roasted, meaning the beans are custom roasted in small batches to bring out the best characteristics of the beans: rich, flavorful and aromatic. At a temperature of around 392 degrees Fahrenheit, coffee is dropped into a roasting drum that circulates air over a period of 15-20 minutes. During this time, the beans expand in size, their cell walls break, oils and sugars come to the surface and a chemical reaction is triggered, causing the beans to release carbon dioxide. After the coffee beans are roasted sufficiently, they’re cooled rapidly to prevent any residual heat from any further roasting....

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It's a Grind Coffee House - It's a Grind Temecula33215 Temecula Pkwy, Temecula, CA
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🤓 Software Dev?This entire platform is written as a single page application with an API. In matter of fact, there is a book written on how this entire platform was made.Get The Book
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